Effective Home Remedies To Remove Bathroom Tiles Stubborn Stains?

Every homeowner wants to have clean and stain-free bathroom tiles as it increases the overall look of the bathroom. Do you want to keep your bathroom tiles clean and free from stains? Do you want to get Home remedies to remove bathroom tiles stubborn stains? If yes then go through these quick and simple home remedies that remove tough stains-

Remove Bathroom Tiles Stubborn Stains
Remove Bathroom Tiles Stubborn Stains
  1. Use of vinegar

Stained bathroom tiles don’t look good. So, you need to follow some home remedies to remove the stains and keep the bathroom clean. One thing to notice is that your bathroom gets more dirty than usual as there will be continuous usage of water and footwear. What should be done to remove the stains from bathroom tiles? For this, you can try out vinegar as an effective home remedy. 

Vinegar is one of the best home remedies to remove bathroom tiles stubborn stains that one can use. You can use it to remove hard water stains and other stains from bathroom tiles. So, this is mainly an all-purpose cleaner that has somewhat acidic properties.

The acidic content of vinegar makes it perfect for removing stubborn stains from the bathroom tiles. For this, you need to prepare a solution of vinegar and water in equal amounts. Spray this solution on your tile and then let it sit for some time. After some time, use a brush to scrub the area of the bathroom. This will help you to remove all the tough stains of hard water from the bathroom tiles.

  1. Baking soda

Another quick and effective home remedy that you should try for cleaning the bathroom tiles is baking soda. This kitchen ingredient can be seen in every home. All that you need to do is to mix half cup baking soda of half cup with one spoon of dish wash liquid and a half cup of vinegar. Add water to prepare the solution and then pour it into a spray bottle.

Make sure you’re using only hot water for this home remedy to see effective results and the removal of tough stains. You just need to spray this mixture on tile stains and grout lines and then leave it there for some time. After doing this, you need to mop it with warm water to see effective results.

  1. Salt 

One of the best home remedies to remove bathroom tiles stubborn stains is the salt scrub. No doubt, salt is an effective home remedy that not only removes stations from the tiles but also kills microorganisms that are available in the bathroom.

So, you just need to sprinkle a generous amount of salt on the bathroom tiles and then let it for a few hours. After that, you need to clean it with warm water.


Many different home remedies show immediate effect in the cleaning of the bathroom tiles. The above mentioned home remedies to remove bathroom tiles stubborn stains are the best ones that you can try. You may need a Professional Tile and grout cleaner. It is recommended you try these first.

Published on: May 2, 2023

Last updated on: July 6, 2023